Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Best of 2012: Tori Wilson Musician Spotlight

As 2012 is behind us we look at some of our Musician Spotlights from this past year. Our number 6th Musician Spotlight we are featuring is on 13 year old Singer Tori Wilson of New York. Tori a talented Singer style of singing is Country. This young 13 year old Singer has a lot to look forward to in 2013 as she has great vocals.  Miss. Wilson Musician Spotlight feature was posted March 13, 2012.

Musician Spotlight: Rising Singer/Songwriter Tori Wilson
Smithtown, NY - Our latest "Musician Spotlight is on a very talent young lady who sings and writes songs. This talented Musician is 12 year old Tori Wilson from New York. Tori is our latest Musician to be featured as she has strong vocals and lyrics. In this "Musician Spotlight" we will highlight her story, share a few photos, future appearances and more.

Twelve-year-old singer-songwriter Tori Wilson New York in August 1999, Tori currently lives, trains and goes to school in Long Island, New York.
Tori is an avid reader, artists and participates in many local sports including basketball and volleyball. 

Tori decided at the young age of four that she wanted to be a performer after doing a camp talent show. She started appearing in commercials, print and TV shows, one showcase in 2008 when she was asked to sing by Nickelodeon Casting Director David Doan she decided this was her “thing”. After appearing on a Nickelodeon Thanksgiving special in first grade Tori became the target of resentment and bullying from local children. We changed her school in an attempt to conceal her talents to avoid the ridicule; however after some of her performances becoming public knowledge it compounded the situation. 

Tori has been writing and training formally since she was eight with Broadway caliber trainers in both voice and dance. She was known as the little girl with the big voice, the pint size singer with soul, depth and strength beyond her years. Her voice coach connected her with a local young singer-songwriter-musician to get the songs completed. Tori wants her songs to be thought provoking and meaningful to others her age, the tween sector does not have an “age appropriate” role model. Tori is poised, classy and respectable, aware that she does not have to be half dressed nor foul mouthed to be accepted. Kids take well to her, mobbing her after performances, the boys love her, the girls admire her and aspire to be her. Tori acknowledges she has a great gift at such a young age and wants to use her voice to make a difference. Her first recorded single “Not Today” targets the bullies; being strong and confidant in who you are regardless of how well you fit in or stand out. Tori’s greatest vocal influences are Christina Aguilera, Pink and Taylor Swift for the empowering messages they convey in their lyrics. 

Media outlets are taking notice and helping Tori spread her message. Tori discussed her message with CBS’s Dana Tyler on Eye on NY.. Katherine Thurston of ABC’s One Life to Live, About.com says, “OLTL will be doing a whole new storyline on cyber bullying. I would love to feature Tori’s song … especially with all the recent exposure of this serious issue among teens.” (See full two page interview) Tori’s recent Madison Square Garden performance reaffirmed her desire to use her voice for good, saying “Knowing that people were listening I was really inspired to reach out and make a difference”. Tori’s other public performances include charity benefits organizations, including LI2Day Breast Cancer, LI Chapter of Chrons and Colitis, Lexibean Foundation and Robbies Run. The Mulchay’s show for Breast Cancer raised upward of fifteen thousand dollars. Beth Whitehouse of Newsday covered this wonderful act of children in philanthropy. Tori’s team has reached out to BOCES, CAPS, LIGLY and other organizations to help spread the Anti-Bullying message, recently having an article published in Newsday. 

At the heart of Tori’s Anti-Bullying campaign is her song “Not Today” that has become the Anti-Bullying anthem that is giving kids a voice and the courage to take a stand. During these Special Assemblies the children sing along with Tori as she performs the appropriately titled songs “Not Today”, “Shine” and “Brave”. 

“The message is so much stronger coming from a peer”, says 5th grade teacher Kim Miller of Forest Park Elementary School. “The lyrics deliver an empowering message. It is wonderful to see the energy of the kids as they sing along with Tori”. During the assemblies that run about an hour, Tori takes the message one step further calling out the bullies, and their need to mask their own insecurities by picking on others -- boldly stating that the bullying reign has come to an end. 

Tori is greeted by enthusiastic crowds armed with hand made Anti-Bullying Posters including lyrics from her song, “Your words feel colder, but you’re aiming at a fire” and “Every season change I know who I am inside”. As school assemblies are planned locally and nationwide, Tori continues to receive packages at home filled with letters from children thanking her, and even video of children singing Not Today. 

We were able to ask Tori some question about her Music and what she hopes to accomplish. The following are her answers to our questions.
Tori, when did you start singing?
I have been singing for as long as I can remember. In the public eye I started acting at 4, then at 8 I decided I did not want to spend my life pretending to e someone else. I wanted to embrace my talent and make a difference in the world being me.

Was it your dream to be a singer?
ALWAYS!! Music is my life, it is a positive emotional expression and helps you connect with others on feelings they may feel but are not comfortable speaking about. It lets them know they are not alone. If I can make a difference in one life note by note, day by day, I will be one step closer to my purpose. 

Does your parents support you?
Yes, my parents are very supportive. I have been in training for years, bands, auditions both near and far. When they said I needed songs to make an EP or they could not get me out, I had 5 originals and 3 covers in a years time. They said I should be home schooled to allow for practice time they worked it out, my brother and I are now in a private school that embraces following your dreams. They always manage to get me what I need when I need it, no questions asked, my mom drives everywhere, my dad writes way to may checks. They say as long as I am willing to do the work they will do their very best to get me where I want to be.

Do you write your own songs?
I have 5 originals under my belt, I started writing at 10, I would write the lyrics based on emotions I felt from various experiences and a general melody for an over all tone of the song and I have an amazing team of co-writers and producers that  I work with to produce a great final track.

If so, tell us what goes into writing a great song?
I don't know all the technical aspects of songwriting, I know the feelings I want to express and share with others. Reason and Rhyme. I think if you give your song your heart and share without limitations you will have something others can relate to.

Where was your first performance, were you excited?
My first performance was in musical theatre playing the role of Elphaba in a community rendition of the Amazing broadway play Wicked. My first public concert was with a band to raise money for Chrons and Colitis. I was very nervous and very excited, it was my first "spotlight" vocal perfomance, I was 10. My first REAL performance was during half time show at a NY Knicks game, to feel the excitement of stanidng in the middle of Madison Square Garden was indescribably in words.

Where have you been able to  perform?
I have been so fortunate to perform at some amazing places. I have performed at Ollies Point, Mulchahy's, Mall's, Madison Square Garden, The USS Intrepid for Talk Therapy TV, WPIX 11 morning news show. I am lined up to do some state fairs this summer, I am very excited. I regularly perform at schools doing anti-bullying assemblies and promoting messages of self confidence and kindness to others.

Who inspires you with your singing and songwriting?
Everyday life inspires my thoughts and feelings in songs, my family encourages me to keep following my dreams and to always know I can do anything I want to. Musically I have different inspirations for very different reasons. Vocal talent my idol is Christina Aguilera, I absolutely looove the lyrics of Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, Avril Lavigne, Pink, Taylor Swift and Hunter Hayes. 

If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I would be back on the stage in Madison Square garden with my name on the ticket, once you have sold out there you have made your mark. 

Along the same line, who would you love to perform with?
I would like to perform with allot of people but if I had to pick one, my dream would be to play with Kenny Chesney, he has fun and his music touches your heart ,His music is calm and relaxed and gives you a  certain ora, I feel his songs are a true reflection of the goodness in him.

What are some of your goals for your Music?
The main goal for my music is to be a respectable role model for teen an tween girls. So many girls think they need to release themselves in ways that cross the line. Life your age appropriate life everyday, we have plenty of time for grown up things, lets enjoy being a kid. Celebrating who we are and who we are not EVERYDAY with all our clothes on and without the presence of drugs, alcohol or indiscretions that should be saved until our twenties. In essence I want other girls to feel it is OK to be a "good girl" and still enjoy all the opportunities life has to offer.

What do you hope to accomplish with your singing/songwriting?
I would love for my music to touch kids within my age range, let them know they are NEVER alone, they should never offer apologies for who they are and what they want to be. None of us are mistakes and we all have a solid purpose in life. Find your "thing" and give it all you've got, accept differences in others, have empathy for situations we may be unaware and embrace random acts of kindness. I think when you have such an amazing platform as the music industry you should do your best to reach out and make a difference, give back to others.

Tori, do you have any advice for those wanting to start a career in singing and songwriting?
Never let anyone tell you, it's something you can't do, Believe in yourself and others will follow. Tsay true to your heart and experiences. It's not easy, but anything worth rewards is worth the work. Always remember you don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great. Stand up for what you believe, don't be swayed by the industry. 

Is there anything else you want our readers to know about you, your singing/songwriting?
I want them to know I am just an average kid who has a dream, I am clumsy, I broke my foot on a hula hoop, I run into walls and I snort when I laugh :) I go to school, I love to read, I love to play basketball and do kickboxing, anything artistic and active. I love to travel anywhere anytime. I love my life and embrace every day being perfectly imperfect.

Tori's Future Appearances:
April 22nd performing with  Little Club Heads 
May 5th Jones Beach
May 9th Suffolk Boces
June 24th New Jersey State Fair
EDITORS NOTE: These events have past...

Tori's Official Sites:
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/ToriWilsonMusic
Twitter - https://twitter.com/#!/ToriWilsonMusic
ReverbNation - http://www.reverbnation.com/toriwilson
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/SMWTMT
We here at Rocky Coast News can't wait to see where this young Musician's career takes her. Tori has strong vocals, song lyrics that she brings across very well.

FOR MORE INFORMATION or if you would like to bring Tori’s message to your school or organization contact Trina Taglialavore at (631) 805-1389 or email us at ToriWilsonMusic@gmail.com.

Rocky Coast News is pleased to have Tori Wilson as our latest "Musician Spotlight", where we highlight, promote up and coming musicians that have amazing vocals, sound, style and/or who are able to play an instrument well singing.

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