Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Data Foundation Statement on the Evolving Federal Data and Evidence Ecosystem in 2025

Data Foundation Statement

Invites Stakeholder Examples of Impacts on Open Data and Evaluation Activities

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, February 11, 2025 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Data Foundation President and CEO Nick Hart issued the following statement:

The Data Foundation is monitoring significant changes in federal data, evaluation, and evidence policy implementation stemming from recent Executive Orders and administrative decisions. These changes may be affecting organizations across the evidence-building ecosystem, including potential impacts on federal chief data officers, evaluation officers, statistical agencies, program evaluators, and research partners who support information for policymakers about evaluating government effectiveness and efficiency.

Our commitment to radical collaboration means we will continue working constructively with all stakeholders to advance open data and evidence-informed decision-making. This includes supporting the federal evidence-building community—from statistical agencies conducting priority national surveys, to program evaluators assessing policy impacts, to data leaders making information more accessible and usable for the business community and the American public.

We recognize that recent policy shifts are reportedly having impacts on data accessibility, program evaluation capacity, and evidence-building activities. Changes affecting federal contracts, grants, and data access may be disrupting long-standing work to improve government effectiveness through better use of data and evidence.

To help document any effects and inform future advocacy from the Data Foundation, we invite members of our community to share specific examples of how these changes are affecting their work and their ability to support evidence-informed policymaking or business decisions.

-- Record a video to share your experiences with us at http://vocalvideo.com/c/2025-data-impacts.
-- Send written responses and experiences by email directly to impact@datafoundation.org.

The Data Foundation remains dedicated to our core mission of improving government, business, and society through open data and evidence-informed public policy. We will continue to serve as a trusted voice for advancing responsible data practices that enhance government effectiveness, efficiency, and public trust. The Data Foundation is also committed to our long-standing practice of engaging in our efforts with a range of partners, regardless of political affiliation to ensure pragmatic action to achieve our mission.

About the Data Foundation

The Data Foundation is a Washington, DC-based, non-profit, non-partisan organization. It is a trusted authority on the use of open, accessible data to fuel a more efficient, effective, and accountable government; spark innovation; and provide insights to the country’s most pressing challenges. It conducts research, facilitates collaborative thought leadership, and promotes advocacy programs that advance practical policies for the creation and use of accessible, trustworthy data and evidence. The Data Foundation is recognized by Candid Guidestar with the Platinum Seal of Transparency and by Charity Navigator as a 4-Star non-profit. To learn more, visit www.datafoundation.org. (LEI: 254900I43CTC59RFW495)

Donate to support the Data Foundation mission at http://www.datafoundation.org/pages/donate.

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