Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Off-duty Border Patrol Agent Helps Subdue Armed DC Metro Passenger

Metro TunnelThe quick thinking of two federal agents leads to an arrest without incident
WASHINGTON– An off-duty U.S. Border Patrol agent and an off-duty Deputy U.S. Marshal worked together to detain a suspect involved in an altercation on the Yellow Line of the D.C. Metro during last night's commute.
“It happens more often than you know that our Border Patrol agents—and so many other law enforcers—do the right thing even when they are off duty, “ said U.S. Border Patrol Chief Mark A. Morgan. “I’m very proud of them for taking action and protecting others.”
The Border Patrol agent was heading home on Monday evening when she witnessed an apparent fight
between two subjects while traveling between the National Airport and Braddock Road Metro stops. The victim of the aggression fled to the train car the agent was sitting in. She assisted the victim in barricading the emergency door, keeping the suspect in the other car.  The agent also noticed the suspect seemed to be in an altered mental state and had a knife visible.
The Border Patrol agent announced to the train passengers that she was a federal agent, and she was armed. An off-duty Deputy U.S. Marshal on the same car announced himself as a federal agent as well.  The agent and marshal developed a plan of action for when the train car stopped—the marshal was to engage the suspect physically and the Border Patrol agent would back him up with her weapon drawn.
When the train arrived at Braddock Road Metro stop, the suspect exited the train and the marshal and Border Patrol agent gave him commands to get on the ground. The suspect complied, and the marshal and Border Patrol agent held him on the platform until Metro Transit Police took custody of him. 
The Border Patrol agent said, “I was just doing my job. I appreciate the kudos, but this is what we train for every day.”
No injuries were reported. The suspect was charged with possession of cocaine and attempted malicious wounding. 
This is a great example of how U.S. Customs and Border Protection's scenario-based training assists agents and officers in applying appropriate uses of force.
For more information on the U.S. Border Patrol, please click here.

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