Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Best of 2012: “Crown For A Cure”

    In Union Maine a group of local heroes have formed an organization to raise money for worthy causes through beauty pageants. Sterling Crown wants to encourage and inspire self confidence in each girl. We want to keep positive attitude while having fun and meeting new people. “Our goal is to give each girl that opportunity do and show her best.” Each pageant will be helping others with its donations to a good cause.
This past weekend was their first pageant, “Crown For A Cure”, with proceeds going to the Bob Gagnon Cancer Fund at Pen Bay Medical Center in Rockport, Maine. Twenty-one girls from across the state ranging in age from three to twenty-five participated in the two day pageant. The girls were judged on,General Appearance, Enthusiasm & Friendliness, Poise and Confidence
The winners of the first “Crown For A Cure” were:
QUEENS: Lillian Simmons, Brooklyn McCarthy, Elizabeth Bowman, Sierra Murray
, Destiny Mackenzie, Jessica Murry, and Crystal Wiley..
PRINCESSES: Chloe Delano, Skyla Libby, Sierra Metcalf and Ashley Lindsey
MINI PRINCESSES: Dakotah Brackett, Kailey-Ann Rhodes, Alexis Leeman, Kaitlin Bennett, Madeline Holmes, Alexys Mayhew, Shelby Collins, Emily Wiley
and Erika Bramhall
OPTIONAL MODELING COMPETITION WINNERS: Lillian Simmons, Brooklyn McCarthy, Skyla Libby, Shelby Collins, Destiny Mackenzie
OPTIONAL OUTFIT OF CHOICE COMPETITION WINNERS : Lillian Simmons, Brooklyn McCarthy, Madeline Holmes, Emily Wiley, Destiny Mackenzie, Jessica Murry and Crystal Wiley
OPTIONAL PHOTOGENIC COMPETITION WINNERS: Lillian Simmons, Kailey-Ann Rhodes, Madeline Holmes, Emily Wiley, Shyann Metcalf, Jessica Murry and Crystal Wiley
[This is given to the person who collects the most money from ticket sales for the show. Money must be in at early registration on Friday or Saturday before the pageant. This is number of tickets sold, not the number coming to the pageant.]: Dakotah Brackett— with Susan Bennett and 19 others.
We would like to congratulate all of contestants they are all winners!
The Bob Gagnon Cancer Fund raises funds for the care and treatment of those affected by cancer. Through the generous gifts of many community members here in the Midcoast and on the islands, the Bob Gagnon Fund has contributed to cancer care at Pen Bay for many years. Some of the major projects funded include:
  • Laptop computers for use by those receiving cancer care at Pen Bay
  • Gas cards for those who need to drive to cancer treatments outside the Midcoast
  • Common Journey - a support group program to meet the survivorship needs of women with breast cancer
  • Family Room - a space especially for those supporting a cancer patient
  • The Bob Gagnon Suite - three patient rooms and a family solarium for patients and their families at Pen Bay for hospice and palliative care. Many of those in this suite are cancer patients. This beautifully renovated space was dedicated on September 8, 2011 with Bob's family and friends present.
This year, funds raised for the Bob Gagnon Cancer Fund will help Pen Bay launch clinical trials, so that those who may benefit from this program can access it right here at Pen Bay. Dr. Nadia Ramdin and her team are working with the Maine Center for Cancer Medicine to add cancer trails to the clinical trials program at Pen Bay. This collaboration will expand Pen Bay's options for cancer patients to include the benefits of clinical trials close to home.

Sterling Crown Pageants directors. 

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