Born prematurely she not only received the blessing of survival but a God given natural ear and passion for music. At the young age of 9 years old she continues to amaze many, as she entertains large audiences across the country. She graces the stage as a seasoned performer with an amazing 4 1/2 octave vocal range. One of Emily's most notable characteristics is her diversity. She frequently performs many genres including, country, bluegrass, gospel, and pop. She loves meeting new people and has no problem jumping in and performing with a new band at the last minute.
She is a member of the Oklahoma Opry, The Rodeo Opry, Oklahoma Country Music Singers Association, and performs regularly at the Clinton
Country Jamboree, and McSwain Theater. She has performed at many legendary places in Oklahoma, Dallas and Nashville including Toby Keith’s, Johnnie Highs, The House of Blues, Poor David’s Pub, The Bluebird Café, Tootsies, and the Billy Block show. By the time Emily was 8 years old she had performed at every major arena in Oklahoma. She performs regularly at the Lifelight Christian festival which is host to over 300,000 people each year.
She has performed on shows with many celebrities such as Edgar Cruz, Super Freak, Lyle Lovett, William Shatner, Christy Sutherlin, The Roys, and Razzy Bailey. At the age of 6 she opened a 4th of July show for President George W. Bush, Marty Stuart and Sawyer Brown. In addition she sings the National Anthem at many local events such as ballgames, speedways, rodeos, the PBR and the Oklahoma Redhawks.

Outside of all the performances Emily is a straight A student and loves Softball, Basketball, Cheer, Dance, Piano, Acting, and Modeling. She is a very tenderhearted young lady and performs whenever possible to help others at local charities and fundraisers and dedicates a lot of her time to helping with the Make A Wish Foundation and the Stand for the Silent Organization. You can learn more about Emily on her website www.emilyfaith.org
American Kids - several local, state, and national titles
Oklahoma Country Music Singers Association (CMSA) - Vocalist and Entertainer of the year for 4 consecutive years.
North American Country Music Association International (NACMAI) – Vocalist and Entertainer of the Year for 3 years, CD of the Year for her new release "Faith’s In the Future", Video of the Year, and Songwriter of the Year in the Country Division for her new song “Messages to Heaven” and in the Gospel Division for “Mean Girls”.
Indie Music Channel – 2011 Nominee for Pop, Country, and Gospel single and CD of the Year
Winner of the Youth “Hang on to the Dream Award”
Texaco Country Showdown - 1st place 2012 KNID Radio competition
Little Miss Oklahoma - Grand Talent Winner
American Miss - Grand National Talent Winner
Christian Country Music Awards - Top 10 nominee for New Artist of the Year and
Top 5 nominee for the Youth in Music Award.

When did Emily start singing?
Emily hummed all the time as a baby and sang from the time she could talk. But her first time on stage was at the age of 5 at a local talent show.
Was it your dream to be a singer?
I love singing and performing and hope one day to be a professional singer and tour the country.
Tell us about your style of singing?
I love and perform all genres of music. I really enjoy the fast upbeat type of songs to get the crowd involved but I also really enjoy singing ballads that the crowd can feel you singing.
Are there challenges pursuing a singing career?
Yes there are so many wonderfully talented kids out there trying to do the same thing I am. Sometimes that makes events a little too competitive. But if you forget about what everyone else is doing and just focus on doing a good job yourself it will show. It also takes a lot of time working on new songs, practicing your singing and instrument when I’d rather just lay around and watch TV.
Does your parents and friends support you?
Yes very much. They travel all over the country with me and all of that cost a lot of money. My dad started a second business just to help pay for it all, so he’s always working. And my mom works a lot on all the marketing and helping me with my songs. I have friends that are very supportive but we really don’t talk about it much. When were hanging out were just doing stuff that all kids do. Occasionally one of them will go to a gig with me.
Do you write your own songs?
Yes I started co-writing songs with my mom when I was 8 and now I am writing some of my own songs and composing some songs on the piano.
If so, tell us what goes into writing a great song?
To me I like writing songs that send a really positive message to others. I want to reach out and touch others and make them think or write a song that they can relate to. I've written a song and filmed a video for the Make A Wish Foundation after helping at several of their fundraising events. And I've written two songs now that have to do with bullying which is an issue I’ve had to deal with a lot.
Where was your first performance, were you excited?
It was at the local high school auditorium at a talent competition. And I was really excited my mom said I smiled ear to ear the entire time.
I have performed all over the country. From Hollywood to Atlanta. I make frequent trips to Dallas and Nashville as well. I’ve performed at legendary places such as Tootsies and the Blue Bird Café in Nashville and Johnnie Highs in Dallas as well as the first Oklahoma Opry that many legends has played at.
Who inspires you with your singing and songwriting?
My voice coach Amanda Earhart. She is such an amazing performer and every time I watch her I just want to work to get better and better. And songwriting isn’t something you can just sit down and do. You just suddenly hear something in your head and realize it’s the starting of a song. My mom tells me it’s a gift from God.
If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
The Grand Ole’ Opry. Because so many legends have performed there and it has so much history behind it. I've been on a tour and got to stand on the circle and sing and I’ve been at shows and watch the performers on stage from way up top. And someday I want to sing on the circle on a real show and talk to the kids sitting way up top and tell them their dreams can come true also.
Along the same line, who would you love to perform with?
There are several that I would love to perform with but I would have to say probably Martina McBride because I love so many of her songs. They really have a message behind them. And LeAnn Rimes because I’ve got to perform several times on the stage where she started out in Dallas at Johnnie High’s and her mother once started a standing ovation for me after I sang Blue Moon of Kentucky. Then I got to visit with her afterward. It was really exciting so I feel like I am falling in her footsteps.
What are some of your goals for your Music?
I hope to make others feel good when they listen to my music and help them through difficult times. And I want to learn to play the guitar, fiddle, mandolin and harmonica and someday be able to be a part of a band and travel the world playing in arenas.
What do you hope to accomplish with your singing/songwriting?
I hope to be a role model for other kids and give them music that they will not only enjoy but that will help them deal with difficult situations they are facing.
Don’t ever doubt yourself. Know that you can be anything you want to be. It takes a lot of hard work so you have to be dedicated. Sometimes you have to work harder at some areas than others. That is something I have to remind myself and my parents remind me of when I am struggling with a song. I don’t always like it when they tell me that but I know their right.
Is there anything else you want our readers to know about you, your singing/songwriting?
I love performing for charities and other worthwhile events because I feel like I am helping someone else. God gave me this talent and I know I should use it for the right reasons.
Do you have any other talents?
I also enjoy dancing, modeling, acting, and I am a pretty good Basketball player.
It wouldn't surprise us here at RCN if we hear a lot about this amazing young Singer in the coming years as her career very gets going and voice continues to mature. Emily really has a true gift that people need to hear as her future looks really bright.
Rocky Coast News is pleased to have Emily Faith featured as our latest "Musician Spotlight", where we highlight, promote up and coming musicians that have amazing vocals, sound, style and/or who are able to play an instrument well singing.
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