Monday, March 3, 2014

White House Schedule - March 3, 2014

President Barack Obama discusses Ukraine during a meeting with members of his National Security Staff in the Oval Office, Feb. 28, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
In the morning, the President and Vice President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. 
In the afternoon, the President and Vice President will meet for lunch in the Private Dining Room.
Later in the afternoon, the President will hold a bilateral meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. The President looks forward to discussing with the Prime Minister progress in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, developments in Iran, and other regional priorities. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit is a demonstration of the deep and enduring bonds between the United States and Israel, and our close consultations on a range of security issues.
10:00 AM
The President and Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing
Oval Office
12:30 PM
The President and Vice President meet for lunch
Private Dining Room
1:45 PM
The President holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu; the Vice President also attends
Oval Office

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